Am I A Candidate for Eyelid Lift Surgery?
Are you considering an eyelid lift surgery? The skin around your eyes is the thinnest skin tissue on your face. This is the primary reason why people start to show their age directly around their eyes. Wrinkled folds of excess skin on eyelids, bags under the eyes, and puffy eyes are common problems and can even impair vision. Sun damage can also make this worse over time.
However, these conditions are correctable with eyelid lift surgery, often referred to as blepharoplasty. At O’Neill Plastic Surgery, we know that this quick procedure can give you more confidence and years of youth.
Understanding The Procedure
Eyelid lift surgery is performed yearly on over 100,000 women and men in the US to improve how they look and see. It all beings with understanding the procedure. Dr. O’Neill accesses the area through an incision at the upper eyelid’s natural crease. He then removes excess tissue and fat. Tissue is also removed from the lower eyelid, where the muscle is also modified to reduce the presence of bags under the eyes. Often, CO2 laser resurfacing is used to smooth over the skin on each eyelid. The incision lines typically fade over the course of a year.
This procedure will make you look fresher, younger, and see more clearly. It is important to note that eyelid surgery does not lift sagging brows or remove wrinkles or dark circles from under your eyes. For that reason, it’s common for that procedure to go hand-in-hand with other surgeries, such as brow lifts and dermal fillers.
The recovery is not long-term. Usually, most bruising subside in 5-10 days and swelling in 2-4 weeks. After two to three months, you can see the final results of the procedure. If you notice differences in these numbers, it may be time to discuss them with our specialists to ensure nothing is wrong. We can help to treat any problems that may arise during your recovery.
What Are The Benefits?
The restored firmness to the area around the eyes gives you a more refreshed and alert look. While this is the main benefit of choosing eyelid lift surgery, you can also help your eyesight. Both of these combine to create a change in the look and feel of your face. This means that your eyesight is also important to evaluate before reaching out to receive this procedure.
What Can Affect Your Blepharoplasty Surgery?
Blepharoplasty surgery procedures are not for everyone. You should only consider this surgery if you are over the age of 18 and with good physical and mental health. In addition, other factors that will affect your surgery include age, ethnic background, skin type, and degree of vision obstruction. Though the procedure is very minor, there are a number of potential eyelid lift surgery risks patients should consider. Existing medical conditions can lead to complications and include thyroid problems, dry eye, circulatory disorders such as high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Before the eyelid lift surgery, be sure to inform your doctor of any medical conditions you may be having, including allergies. Also, include information on the types of vitamins and medications you take. Lastly, the condition of your eyesight and whether you wear glasses or contact lenses should also be discussed. Dr. O’Neill will require an eye exam to be completed with your eye doctor prior to surgery.
Are you interested in becoming a patient at O’Neill Plastic Surgery? To learn more about the non-invasive and non-ablative anti-aging procedures available to Charleston residents, visit our aesthetic services page. We also offer many non-surgical options to keep our patients looking as young as they feel! Contact O’Neill Plastic Surgery online or call us at (843) 881-2130 to make your appointment.