What to Ask At Your Breast Augmentation Consultation at O'Neill Plastic Surgery

What to Ask At Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

When you come in for your breast augmentation consultation with Dr. O’Neill, you’ve probably already done quite a bit of research. You know that Dr. O’Neill is certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. You know that you’re working with one of the top plastic surgeons in South Carolina. Now is the time to ask the questions that will help you move forward with your decision to pursue breast augmentation.

Am I  A Good Candidate for this Type of Surgery?

Breast augmentation is a commonly performed surgery, and carries few risks. Like any surgery, however, there are risks involved. Those risks are sharply increased by certain traits or lifestyle habits, so it’s important to discuss any concerns you may have with Dr. O’Neill at your initial consultation. Being overweight, smoking, habitual consumption of alcohol, and certain medical conditions and medications may affect your ability to tolerate the procedure well. Dr. O’Neill will gather a full medical background and evaluation prior to scheduling your surgery.

What Do I need to Do For the Best Results?

Preparing for your procedure is as important as recovery. By taking an active role in preparing for your surgery, you can ensure that you have the best chance of reaching your goals. Depending upon your proposed procedure and your surgical goals, you may need to lose weight or improve your fitness level, stop smoking, abstain from alcohol, or adjust or discontinue certain medications.

What will Recovery Be Like?

Preparation for surgery goes beyond the physical. You’ll need to have help following your surgery, especially if you have young children. You’ll need someone to drive you to and from your appointment, and help you for at least 48 hours. You’ll need help driving to and from your initial post-surgical appointments. For some surgeries, you may need assistance for up to two weeks.

What type of Implants Are Best for Me?

There are several options for breast augmentation surgery, including saline, silicone, and “gummy bear” implants. There are other considerations as well, like whether the implant will be placed above the muscles of the chest, or behind them. The options that are best for you will depend upon the desired final result, and other factors. Dr. O’Neill will help you understand your options and you will work together to develop a surgical plan.

Do you need to schedule your Breast Augmentation consultation? Call O’Neill Plastic Surgery at 843-881-2130  or fill out one of our online contact forms today to schedule your consultation and start on the journey to the body that you want.

A picture of Patrick J. O’Neill, MD wearing his doctor attire.

About the Author

Upon completing medical school at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC, Dr. O’Neill completed nine years of residency training. These nine years included a full general surgery and a plastic surgery residency, both at the Medical University of South Carolina, and a hand and microsurgery fellowship at the Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery. Dr. O’Neill has extensive certifications, training, skills, and knowledge that make him a successful physician who can carry out your next plastic surgery procedure. His expertise and technique will result in the beautiful and natural look you desire post surgery.

Board Certified:
American Board of Surgery
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Sub-Certification in Hand and Microsurgery

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