Breast Implant Myths
Breast augmentation is one of the fastest-growing procedures in the US, with 300,000 being performed in the past year. Women are benefitting from augmentation surgery with more pleasing profiles and increased confidence. The procedure is plagued by persistent breast implant myths. Here, we hope to lay a few of those myths to rest. If you have further concerns or questions, be sure to contact the office. We’ll be happy to discuss the procedure and help you decide what’s right for you.
Same Doctor, Similar Results
Some women believe that seeing the same doctor a friend saw will produce the same or similar results. While Dr. O’Neill is an extremely skilled surgeon, it is not possible, or even desirable, to replicate anyone’s breast implant results exactly. The implant that gives your friend her pleasing profile and boosts her confidence may not have the same effect for you. It’s important to discuss your goals and vision, and Dr. O’Neill will help you design a procedure that’s right for your body type and needs.
Implants Trigger Systemic Disease
In 1992, the FDA implemented a ban on silicone implants in the wake of fears that they could trigger cancer, lupus and other systemic diseases. Further study showed that these fears were unfounded and the ban was lifted in 2006. Silicone implants have been continuously improved upon since their inception and have been proven safe for implantation. Dr. O’Neill will help you decide which type of implant, silicone, saline, or the popular new “gummy bear” implant, is right for you based on your body type and procedure goals.
Say Goodbye to Breastfeeding
This myth is a persistent one, but is based on only partial information. Certain incision and implant placements may interfere in the ability to breast feed later on. However, if you plan to start a family, Dr. O’Neill will take that into consideration when planning your procedure, and discuss options that best protect your ability to breast feed later on. Even if the implant should rupture (a very rare complication,) there is no danger of passing silicone into the breast milk. Breast feeding with implants is perfectly possible and safe.
Implants “Look Fake”
Not so. Dr. O’Neill will discuss your goals with you at your initial appointment, to ensure that you receive the most natural looking results. It’s important to have realistic expectations and a clear understanding of what will best match your existing proportions. The double D that looks phenomenal on one woman might look out of proportion on a more petit person. Dr. O’Neill strives to ensure that you receive the most natural looking results possible. Call for your consultation today!