Cosmetic Treatments for Winter
Winter is a time to curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and a warm robe in front of the fire and hibernate until warmer weather comes. It’s also an excellent time to get those cosmetic treatments or procedure you’ve been considering. Come out of winter sporting a look that you love! Why not use this time to pamper yourself, when the falling temperatures give you the perfect excuse to stay home and rest? Winter is a great time to get the cosmetic treamtents you’ve been wanting.
Tummy Tuck
Winter is a perfect time for an abdominoplasty. Following a tummy tuck, you’ll need to take it easy and not engage in strenuous physical activity for at least a few weeks. By scheduling the procedure for the winter months, you won’t miss out on swimming, running, cycling and other summer sports you enjoy.
Breast Augmentation
Since an augmentation takes several weeks of recovery time, winter is an excellent time to consider the procedure. Winter’s downtime will give you plenty of time to rest and recover before summer’s more strenuous routine rolls back around. Breast augmentation, depending upon the type of procedure and the placement of the implant, may require three to six weeks of recovery time. Winter’s cooler temperatures may be more comfortable than sweating through the healing process in the warmer months.
Chemical Peels, Laser Skin Treatments, and other Sun Damage Repair
While the sun is still a prominent threat to skin in the winter months, less time spent outdoors means that now is the perfect time to reduce the damage it caused over the summer months while you lounged on the beach or did yardwork. Sun damage includes wrinkles, hyper pigmentation, and dry skin. Winter’s chill keeps us indoors and covered up more, making it the perfect time to schedule your skin resurfacing procedure.
Take advantage of winter’s down time, and schedule your procedure today. Call Dr. O’Neill’s office for your consultation.