Acne Scar Removal

PicoSure Laser

Are you tired of hiding your acne scars behind makeup, scarves, or extra clothing? People who suffered from acne in their teenage and young adult lives can also suffer from acne scars and spotted skin after their acne has healed. Acne scars can cause issues in self-confidence, bringing down your overall quality of life.

If you’re ready to be free of acne scars for life, call Dr. O’Neill for our laser acne scar removal system with the PicoSure laser. The PicoSure delivers permanent results quickly, with less pain and a shorter recovery time than typical treatments.

*As with any procedure and/or treatment, the results may vary.

How Does Laser Acne Scar Removal Work?

The PicoSure laser provides breakthrough technology to revitalize your skin and treat acne scars. PicoSure gently delivers short bursts of photomechanical light energy (lasers) to target problem areas without causing harm to the surrounding skin. Photomechanical light causes less cellular damage than traditional skin revitalization laser techniques.

Traditional skin revitalization treatments break up the cells resulting in more pain, more redness and irritation, and a slower recovery. The PicoSure treatment is gentle, without the intense heat energy so skin is cleared and healed much quicker than traditional treatments.

How Long Will It Take?

Treatments are very quick, usually an hour or less, so they can be easily scheduled around your routine, lunch break, or work schedule. PicoSure laser acne scar removal treatments are scheduled six to eight weeks apart to ensure complete healing and cell regeneration between treatments.

Acne scars are treated in three to six treatments, depending on the level of scarring. Dr. O’Neill’s team will be able to give you a personalized strategy for using the laser acne scar removal system to treat your skin.


Ready to finally have clear skin? Call Dr. O’Neill or Dr. Swartz today at 843-881-2130 or contact us online to discuss your options with the PicoSure laser acne removal systems. The PicoSure system can also be used for tattoo removal and other types of skin revitalization, including wrinkle reduction and brown spot removal.

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