Questions to Ask During Plastic Surgery Consultation

Deciding to have plastic surgery requires some forethought. It is of great importance to gather the information you need to move forward. Your decision will involve many factors, including what procedure(s) you are considering, the degree of correction required, how many treatments you’re facing, after effects, downtime, and cost. Ultimately, you must decide if plastic surgery right for you. That can be answered, in part, by a consultation.

Plastic Surgery Consultation

Before a consultation, you need to pick the doctor that’s right for you. Opt for a doctor that will have time to give complete answers to your questions, including if insurance covers the procedure or not. The doctor should be able to answer questions about competing procedures other physicians use and how they compare. In addition, attempt to find how your doctor is ranked. Are they first in the state or the region for the procedure that interests you? Try to find out if the doctor has been sanctioned by the medical profession or sued, and ensure they are board-certified.

Is Plastic Surgery Right for Me?

Doing your homework is very important in making this big decision, and asking questions is vital. Some questions will be useful for just about any procedure – for example, inquiring about pain level post-op, whether or not you’ll be unconscious, if you will need painkillers afterwards, or if there is risk of infection. Other common questions include, whether or not you need to come back for checkups and how much they cost. Also, does insurance cover the procedure? You’ll also need to ask the doctor how your medical history will impact the procedure you’ve chosen. Is your age a factor? If you have had this procedure before, did you heal poorly, or will your body react badly?

Some questions are specific to certain procedures. One of the things your doctor will need to do is make sure both sides of your face have symmetry. In other words, will your eyebrows be at the same height, your lips even and symmetrical (one side is not curled down or up), and your hairline at the right height? If you hope to recieve liposuction, you’ll need to ask the doctor if your current weight is close enough to your ideal weight for the procedure. And, are you in good enough health? Is the amount of fat you want removed realistic?

It would be a good idea to ask all of the physicians you visit the same questions and to compare answers. After considering them, you should be able to make a choice for which physician you want. More than that, however, you should have a good idea about what you can expect from the procedure. Contact us today by scheduling a consultation.

A picture of Patrick J. O’Neill, MD wearing his doctor attire.

About the Author

Upon completing medical school at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC, Dr. O’Neill completed nine years of residency training. These nine years included a full general surgery and a plastic surgery residency, both at the Medical University of South Carolina, and a hand and microsurgery fellowship at the Kleinert Institute for Hand and Microsurgery. Dr. O’Neill has extensive certifications, training, skills, and knowledge that make him a successful physician who can carry out your next plastic surgery procedure. His expertise and technique will result in the beautiful and natural look you desire post surgery.

Board Certified:
American Board of Surgery
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Sub-Certification in Hand and Microsurgery

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