Our skin is one of the first indicators of our age. The skin deals with trauma on all fronts from protecting us from the sun to stretching to make room for pregnancy. After taking such a beating, it is no wonder it can get wrinkled, stretched, scarred, spotted, or otherwise. Take care of your skin and defy your age with our amazing laser skin care options. With help from the PicoSure laser and our other non-surgical aesthetic services, your skin can look and feel tighter, younger, and smoother.
Laser Skin Care
Target the signs of aging with the PicoSure laser:
- Wrinkles
- Fine Lines
- Brown Spots
- Freckles
- Scars
- Age Spots
- Stretch Marks
- Pigmentation
- Sun Damage
- Melasma
How It Works
The PicoSure laser targets the cellular structure of your damaged skin with ultra-short pulses of photomechanical light energy. The laser light breaks apart the pigmentation and cells of the affected skin and signals cells to create new, healthy cells and collagen. Our treatment is gentle on the skin and won’t harm the surrounding cells, permanent removal of the patches.
Each treatment is quick, and easily scheduled around your busy day. Depending on your cosmetic goals, multiple treatments are scheduled six to eight weeks apart and our patients see results within just a few treatments.
Appointments Available In Charleston, SC
If you are interested in this breakthrough laser skin care treatments available at O’Neill Plastic Surgery — don’t wait! Visit our Charleston plastic surgery office today to learn about the anti-aging PicoSure technology and get started with your treatments. Call 843-881-2130 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and appointment. You can look as young as you feel, repair skin, and improve your confidence in just a few treatments.
We are conveniently located in Charleston, SC on luxurious and private Daniel Island.