Skin Damage and Restoration
When skin damage occurs, whether from weather, aging, or injury, the skin recovery process may include restorative techniques from Dr. O’Neill. Skin recovery is a process best handled by a professional cosmetic surgeon who can restore a smoother, more youthful look.
Skin Damage
Skin damage is most commonly caused by overexposure to harmful things like UV rays and wind. While obviously getting out of doors and getting plenty of exercise is the best way to keep your entire body healthy and fit, you should be sure to use sunscreen and take precautions to protect the delicate skin of your face, especially around the eyes, from the sun’s rays. Avoid tanning booths and overexposure to UV rays to help keep your skin looking smooth and healthy for years. Smoking will also have an impact on your skin health and cause skin damage, so talk to your doctor about quitting.
Skin Restoration
Vitamin C, Retioind, and Alpha Hydroxy acids are all used in skin restoration. These products, as well as a few specific treatments, like microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels, are used to rejuvenate skin and give it a fresher, smoother look. Avoiding environmental and lifestyle factors that age skin can go a long way toward keeping your skin healthy and young looking, but when it comes to skin restoration after the damage has been done, it’s important to seek out expert advice and treatment.
Skin Recovery
For deeper lines and wrinkles, injections and other cosmetic options may be considered. Treatments like Botox, Gor-Tex, and Hyaluronic Acid may be considered, as well as injections of your own fat to fill in deeper wrinkles and smooth the skin surface. Skin recovery not only gives a more youthful look, it offers a confidence boost and helps you look and feel your best.
Plastic Surgeon in Charleston SC
Dr. O’Neill offers a range of services including skin restoration and recovery to help you look and feel your best. Call or visit our website to schedule your consultation today.